Maximize Your Dealership's Efficiency

Improving dealership efficiency in the service lane plays a crucial role in increasing dealership sales, profitability, and CSI scores. GoMoto helps dealerships accomplish just that with the smartest self-led check-in option for the service lane.


Gain a 5% to 7% uplift in gross revenue with GoMoto at your dealership.

How GoMoto Improves Dealership Efficiency


A Comprehensive & Quick Digitized Check-in Process

Imagine decreasing the check-in time at your dealership from 15 minutes to 2 minutes.

The GoMoto kiosks uses an intuitive, self-guided customer check-in process to do just that. The customer can check in on a mobile device or at the kiosk, speeding up the entire check-in process. Serve a better customer experience while generating more business.


Seamless DMS Integrations

Improve your day-to-day operations without reinventing the wheel.

GoMoto is designed to connect with the most popular DMS systems on the market, allowing our software to fit into your day-to-day operations with ease.

Maximized Employee Productivity

Provide better service by reducing transactional interactions.

With GoMoto’s kiosks worrying about checking-in customers, employees at your dealership have more time to focus on answering customer questions or handling potential issues. After all, your employees are one of your most expensive assets. Why waste that on data collection?


Interested in learning more about how GoMoto can help improve the efficiency at your dealership?

"My service drive never backs up with the GoMoto kiosks. It’s constantly moving, even during the morning rush. If I have 20-25 cars lined up, we can get them all checked in and out in under 15 minutes."

- Ken Mauldin, Fixed Operations Director, South Toyota


GoMoto seamlessly integrates with the most popular DMS systems in the market today.


Let's Talk About GoMoto

Fill out this form to speak with a dedicated self-service specialist about your kiosk needs. We value your privacy and will not share your information with other third party providers.